Mineralogy of Uranium and Thorium Robert Lauf
Publisher: Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.
Crystallographic Study of Uranium-Thorium Bearing Minerals in Tranomaro, South-East Madagascar. May be associated with almost all minerals, rocks, ores, and water. Uranium and thorium minerals (185 listed of which 25 are thorium only). Mineralogy of Uranium and Thorium contains most of the relevant determinative. Minerals mineralogy of uranium and thorium appeared in 1958 as U.S. (Th,U)SiO4 c○2001 Mineral Data Publishing, version 1.2 (3) Frondel, C. Front Cover of Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochmistry vol 52 Back Cover of Reviews in . Finding and defining strategic mineral deposits .Uranium and thorium are mined primarily from two deposits types. (1958) Systematic mineralogy of uranium and thorium. The principal uranium and thorium minerals should be minimized. Minerals with minor amounts of uranium and thorium______________.